Arts Activities

Our arts-based activities are a key part of our holistic programme and provide people a safe space to think about and share past experiences and express their feelings.

Art and Writing

Art and Writing sessions are offered by our two Artists in Residence, illustrator, Jane Ray, and children’s author, Sita Brahmachari, with support from illustrator Ros Asquith, who volunteers with us.

The Art and Writing sessions are held at our Centre every Wednesday and provide a space in which people can appreciate art, draw, play games, share conversations, write and sing. Each term there is a theme for example, the colours of the rainbow.

Our community values the deep therapeutic work the arts can bring to refugee survivor people seeking to rebuild their lives. The class is confidence re-building; nurturing a spirit of creativity in a relaxed, conversational setting. Often there is laughter in the class and a culture of cross cultural learning. The work is life affirming and taps into engagement in the natural world, reconnecting people to their anchors and passions

Sita Brahmachari, Writer in Residence


The Choir gathers to share songs from their own heritages, as well as to learn new songs. Many choir members find the sessions therapeutic and also a good way of staying connected to their friends and the community. Our choir is led by Romain Malan, Director of the World Harmony Orchestra.

I love the music because it makes me relax and switch off bad thoughts.

Class attendee

Tea Cosy Club

Our over 60s craft and social club puts on weekly activities including crafts, sewing, and visits from local arts groups e.g. The Angel Shed Theatre Company and the Little Angel Theatre.

Craft Corner

Thanks to a sewing machine donated by John Lewis & Partners and volunteers from Creatives Against Poverty, our sewing club and craft corner is open every week for those who want to bring in their own project or join in on a project together.

Field Trips

Each month our Community Liaison staff leads a group field trip to an art exhibition, performance, or community event in London.